Equipping Leaders to Thrive Under Pressure


In Action

TEDx: Making A Difference When Times Are Tough
Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan): Heli-Clinics With Medical Teams International

Some of Our Programs


Burned Out Or Fired Up: Building Teams That Thrive Under Pressure (Keynote)

More than ever, when times get tough, leaders need to rally their teams to engage, take ownership, and deliver results. While there is a host of barriers that we all know exist, the real issue is we are trying to get more done with fewer resources. Consequently, team members are at high risk to burnout and disengage. Forged in the trenches of international disasters, Dr. Diamond's captivating stories and practical strategies equip leaders to make a difference in high stakes environments when outcomes matter most.

Growing Healthcare Teams That Flourish Under Pressure (Workshop)

Most of the organizations I work with are tired of talking about burnout. That’s a good thing because focusing on it can make it worse. Focusing on the desired outcomes, this workshop equips participants with practical tools to flourish under pressure. These tested techniques help leaders to get work done when resources are scarce and it matters most. This is not a workshop filled with fluff. Roll up your sleeves and prepare to learn.

Heroes: Leading Teams In A Disengaged & Burned Out World

There has been a subtle shift in our culture that is undermining your organization and you may note even be aware. This introductory presentation is available for organizations that are interested learning more about commitment and why engagement is not enough.

Podcast Guesting


Dr. Diamond is an expert in equipping teams as they navigate change and stress. (Stress?!? WHAT STRESS??) He’s also an international disaster physician. He was the Director of the Medical Triage Unit at the New Orleans Convention Center following Hurricane Katrina and led first-in medical response teams to disasters like those in Haiti, The Philippines, and Honduras.

We cover the importance of self-compassion, kindness, and vulnerability – and how you can make the biggest positive impact on your team’s culture.


American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL)

Unstoppable Love: Dan Diamond Talks About Leading Under Crisis Conditions


As COVID-19 continues to impact us on a global scale, maintaining the health and well-being of providers and clinical teams is critical. But how can we do this when the demands on healthcare workers are so high?

In this special episode, we talk with speaker, author, coach, international disaster physician, and retired street mime Dan Diamond, MD. Dr. Diamond was the Medical Director for Medical Teams International’s First Response Team to Haiti and played a strategic role as Director of the Mass Casualty Triage Unit at the New Orleans Convention Center after Hurricane Katrina. His passion is equipping people to perform under pressure, and his stories and lessons from being in the heart of a disaster zone are highly relevant to the crisis our healthcare system faces today.


As COVID-19 continues to impact us on a global scale, maintaining the health and well-being of providers and clinical teams is critical. But how can we do this when the demands on healthcare workers are so high?

In this special episode, we talk with speaker, author, coach, international disaster physician, and retired street mime Dan Diamond, MD. Dr. Diamond was the Medical Director for Medical Teams International’s First Response Team to Haiti and played a strategic role as Director of the Mass Casualty Triage Unit at the New Orleans Convention Center after Hurricane Katrina. His passion is equipping people to perform under pressure, and his stories and lessons from being in the heart of a disaster zone are highly relevant to the crisis our healthcare system faces today.


I am so very inspired by Dr. Dan’s humility, desire to change the way we interact with one another from a more compassionate place and service to suffering human beings during disastrous events. Here are some of the beautiful take-aways from our conversation.


Listen in as Dr. Dan shares with Dr. Danny powerful stories from his experience as the Director of the Mass Casualty Triage Unit at the New Orleans Convention Center during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina about how your mindset determines your ability to thrive while under intense stress.

Dan reveals four mindsets in his Thriver Mindset Matrix which determine whether you are a Powerless Taker (Victim), Powerful Taker (Controller), Powerless Taker (Bystander) or Powerful Giver (Thriver).


Kevin Kruse and I had a great discussion about performance under pressure. Kevin is a New York Times bestselling author and Inc. 500 entrepreneur. He is the host of The LEADx Show and a contributing author for Forbes. We tackled some interesting questions with a focus on specific things that you can do to become more effective when you are under pressure.


Dan Diamond, MD has led teams into New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, Haiti after their devastating earthquake, and the Philippines after Typhoon Yolanda.


How much influence does your mindset have on how you approach and handle risk, crisis, or disruption? Can choosing to cultivate a different mindset create a sense of power and purpose? In this episode, Dr. Dan Diamond, author of "Beyond Resilience," shares his front-line perspective from over three decades of coordinating relief efforts for some of the most devastating natural disasters around the world.


In Part 1 of this special 2-part episode of the Disaster Podcast we visited with Dr. Dan Diamond about his responses to disaster situations around the world and the lessons he has learned about how people respond to the disasters they encounter. In one case he talked about training responders to use GASP-style training. GASP stands for Gaining A Spherical Perspective of a situation. Doing this helps with solving the unique problems that every disaster presents to victims and responders alike.


In Part 2 of this special 2-part episode of the Disaster Podcast we continue with Dr. Dan Diamond about his responses to disaster situations around the world. Dan shares with us more amazing stories of response and rescues from Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans that astound our podcast hosts, Jamie Davis, the Podmedic and Sam Bradley.


Dr. Dan Diamond, MD is back on the show this week with some more lessons to be learned from his world-wide disaster response experience. Hosts Jamie Davis, the Podmedic and Sam Bradley are joined again by Dr. Joe Holley from Paragon Medical Education Group to chat with Dr. Dan. The experienced disaster responder talks with the team about his experiences in response to the Philippines and his GASP principle – Get A Spherical Perspective. He says he can usually sum up each international disaster response with a single word but the Philippines disaster response required two. Check out the episode to see what he says they are.