How to Lift Your Team
“Keep company with good men, and you’ll increase their number. ”
I just spent this past weekend in Atlanta at the National Speakers Association “Unconference” and it was a phenomenal experience. I had the opportunity to meet people from around the world and I learned a tremendous amount from Matt Church about being a thought leader. Yesterday while driving I began to ponder how energized I was after sending such a short amount of time with such a powerhouse of support. Not only did I come away feeling a lot smarter; I also came away feeling inspired. Throughout my life I have had pivotal moments where my perspective changed and ideas started to flow. Moments where the doubts vaporized and the “I can do it!” took over. Rarely do this times come from isolation. There is something about the impact of a community on the individual. It is powerful. Surrounding myself with positive people that are moving forward and making a difference refocuses my sights on doing great things.
However, another thought hit me yesterday right between the eyes: It’s not all about me. Do I contribute to the community in such a way that others are inspired and realign their sites to do great things? Do I bring enthusiasm, joy, wisdom and knowledge to my relationships so that those I spend time with will be better off than they were before we met? If I am going to do that, I need to be sure that I am prepared to make a difference. I have a responsibility to the community. How I choose to live my life will make a difference on the community whether I want it to or not. How am I investing my time to be able to grow and contribute? Am I willing to invest in the lives of others?
The team that came from Australia made a difference beyond what they will ever know. My goal is to create and contribute to the community by inspiring and equipping others to experience positive, meaningful and lasting change.