Haiti Update: Great News!

I was able to speak to Pastor Devariste in Miami and he told me that his wife is doing well. Not only is she going to live but it looks like she is going to be able to keep her vary own foot as well. Please keep her in your prayers. She is having surgery this Wednesday. Not only that but...

Phedeline, our little 12 year old girl with the massive facial burn, is doing very well in Miami as well! She has already had two skin grafts after her arrival and another one yesterday. We are going to be able to set up a video link between Phedeline (and her mother who is with her) and her brother and family back home! Isn't that really cool!!! I am so excited. I hope that I get to see her again someday.



Hypnotizing Haitian Chickens


January 25th Haiti: Teamwork Saving Lives